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Digger Foods

is committed to making locally-sourced, in-season produce accessible to all residents in the Brockton area, regardless of income

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How we do it

Partner with local farmers & wholesalers 

Thanks to the generous support of our funders, we're able to purchase high-quality, local produce to sell at discounted prices to local residents.

We connect with local housing and other organizations to find where fresh produce is needed most. Then, we schedule deliveries to that area on a weekly basis. We also host four, seasonal farmers' markets accepting SNAP & HIP benefits.

Our goal is to provide food-insecure residents with the freshest produce at the lowest possible cost. Our donors and volunteers help make that happen.

“Thanks to Digger Foods I'm able to purchase organic produce for my family. That would have been impossible before.”

- Jenny S., Brockton, MA 

Thank you to our generous supporters!

Caswell Foundation

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